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“Light and Darkness” by Dr. Lloyd Stebbins

March 19, 2017

Church of St. Michael (nave north window), Essex, England, Author Acabashi (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)

This eloquent post by Dr. Lloyd Stebbins began life as a comment on an earlier post of mine.  Dr. Stebbins’ insights are always wise and welcome.  Regrettably, I did not give his comment the attention it deserved.  Today’s republication is an effort to correct that oversight. 

Dr. Stebbins is the author of “Wake Up America – Or Die!  YOU Must Save America and the Family”.  He blogs at Dr. Lloyd StebbinsDeliberate Joy

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1: 5).

“It is interesting to notice church windows.  They vary from stained glass to clear, large and small, a lot of windows or just a few—or even no windows at all.  As churches have migrated from traditional Christian music to contemporary Christian music or Christian rock music, there has been a growing trend to build churches without windows.

The church leaders claim that the windowless churches, sanctuaries, or auditoriums enable better control of the lighting, absolute control if the inside walls are black or a dark color.  Indeed, the churches are becoming increasingly theatrical.  Could it be that the increasingly theatrical nature of ‘worship’ services tends to place more emphasis on man and less emphasis on God, despite the very best of intentions and the clearly Christian lyrics of the contemporary or Christian rock music?

The dark-walled, windowless churches provide the pastors and other leaders of the Sunday morning ‘production’ absolute, godlike control of the lighting. Yet, scripture says that, ‘God is light.’  A long time ago, Lucifer wanted to be like God.  It clearly did not work out well for him.  Is it really a good idea to shut out ALL of the light?

By shutting out all of the light are we literally, figuratively, or symbolically, shutting out God?  Is there an affordable architectural compromise that would allow professional control of lighting for Christmas and Easter productions, but allow God’s wonderful physical and spiritual light to shine, at least while the pastor is preaching?

The type, size, and number of windows are largely a matter of personal and congregational preference.  But can zero windows become problematic? The abundance of windows in many older churches suggests a clear intent to let in as much light as possible. What has changed?  What do you think?”


From → Christian, Faith, Religion

  1. I love the old stained glass windows in churches.. and I do not like “artificial light” John 8:12
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. …This information hits directly and very truthfully to the heart of the matter with the way humans have changed interpretation of what God wishes to have us do in life.

  3. tabitha59reachingout permalink

    I found this interesting. Also interesting is how many pastors there are out there who try to be “god” to those “under” them, and congregations who want them to be that as well. No one can replace the Light of the world. No one!

  4. God Prophesied Anna that the Church would be in darkness in the end times and the shepherds would be leading their sheep astray, yes blocking out God’s Light, meaning His Truth, instead of seeking His Wisdom they are Trusting in their own or others worldly understanding.

    A shepherd who leads his sheep astray will also fall into decay.

    I agree Anna what has happened to God’s balance in Music (see below) mostly but not all Thankfully, have the Disco beat now and constant Repetition like they have in Pagan worship, even Traditional Hymns are changed to the Disco beat and very much shortened. Why are they disobeying God’s guidelines for what they want, perhaps it’s what they are use to, even some Seniors loved discos in their younger days or perhaps they don’t read the Scriptures with understanding but once again Trust in what they think or are told.

    Colossians 3:15-17And let the Peace of God rule in your Hearts to the which also ye are called in one body and be ye Thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom; Teaching and Admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing with grace in your Hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the Name of The Lord Jesus giving Thanks to God and The Father by Him.

    Ephesians 5:18-20 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs Singing and making Melody in your Heart to the Lord. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

    Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.

    • You are so right, Anne. We are moving ever further into darkness. It breaks my heart.

      With love,

      A. ❤

  5. Beautiful post and, stance on your blog. I know all the darkness will be [nothing] for God and his perfect infinite Will for us, in Christ Jesus! Thanks – God bless!

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